New Construction in Residential Buildings - RNDV

New Construction in Residential Buildings

RNDV carries out residential building construction projects. Our project and construction managers have extensive experience in this field, so we can ensure that work is completed on time and efficiently.  We build new residential buildings as well as reconstruction, capital repair, and modernization projects.

We understand residential building construction processes

By partnering with RNDV, our clients can be confident that their residential construction projects will be completed professionally.  As a general contractor, we perform general construction work ranging from foundation installation to wall installation and delegate specialized work to experts in our field – our partners.

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RNDV nauja gyvenamoji statyba RNDV nauja gyvenamoji statyba

We Handle Your Concerns

Having a single partner handle all construction processes reduces both the number of documents to manage and the financial costs.

Everything in One Place

After the implementation of the project, we provide the client with all the documentation, including drawings, technical data on the materials used, test reports, guarantees, and the recognition of the building for proper use.

Collaboration Projects

We develop collaborative relationships with our clients.  As a result, we place a high value on open communication and collaboration.  This allows us to build long-term relationships with both our customers and our partners.


Residential Construction Management

We manage construction processes (planning, organization, and coordination) as well as action control. In this way, we ensure that the construction project will be implemented on time and within budget.

Internal processes and tools such as PROCORE, DALUX, and BAUWISE are used in our activities.  These ensure timely and clear communication with construction participants, information traceability, document archiving, and accurate progress tracking.

RNDV Specialists Perform:

  • Land suitability assessment
  • Representation of the client in state institutions
  • Supervision of technical project preparation
  • Representation of the client in procedures for obtaining a building permit
  • Risk identification and monitoring
  • Providing recommendations on optimizations according to the client’s needs
  • Project change management
  • Evaluation of materials, technologies, and solutions
  • Breakdown of work according to project solutions
  • Organization of contractor selection
  • Evaluating contractors’ proposals and providing insights
  • Coordination of contract terms with contractors
  • Execution of construction organization process
  • Time, budget, and quality control management
  • Defect elimination control
  • Representation of the customer in the completion and delivery procedures.


RNDV statyba pramonės objektuose RNDV statyba pramonės objektuose

We follow open-book methods for industrial construction management

We are guided by the principle that transparency and open cooperation with the customer are the foundations of a successful project. We provide the customer with the opportunity to participate in the selection of construction contractors and obtain the best market price.

By organizing construction in an “open book” manner, we emphasize transparency among all project stakeholders. We openly share financial and cost-related information with the client. As a result, RNDV clients and team members have ample opportunity to become acquainted with project costs, budgets, and subcontractors’ proposals.

Gyvenamosios statybos valdymui vadovaujamės atviros knygos metodais Vadovaujamės principu, kad skaidrumas ir atviras bendradarbiavimas su užsakovu
Finansinis skaidrumas

Financial Transparency

Having access to all information about financial flows promotes mutual trust and transparency.

Išlaidų kontrolė

Cost Control

With access to cost data, you can make informed decisions about potential cost-cutting measures.

Rizikos mažinimas

Risk Reduction

Transparency aids in the identification of potential risks and allows problems to be addressed early, reducing the likelihood of costly problems later.

Completed projects


Contact us

Andrius Velutis
Andrius Velutis
Vilniaus padalinio vadovas